Hey ladies, are you looking to boost your fertility with your nutrition? Do you experience food anxiety because you have no idea where to begin?
I know when I first began delving into nutrition and fertility, I was a bit overwhelmed. Every where you look there are so many different opinions, and mind you, a lot of these "experts" had absolutely no nutrition education whatsoever!!
Anyways, being a hormone & fertility Registered Dietitian, I am here to make your life easier! Below are my top 6 fertility boosting foods to incorporate to your daily food routine:
1. Salmon- Salmon is filled with Vitamin B6 and Omega 3's which help to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress that can affect your egg quality. I always recommend Wild Salmon or other wild fatty fish 2-3x a week. If it is hard to find fresh in the grocery store, you can buy frozen (I love mine from Costco!) or you can find wild canned salmon
2. Blackberries- Blackberries are high in fiber and vitamin C. It is also a rich source of a specific antioxidant known as anthocyanins
3. Cantaloupe- Besides the delicious taste, cantaloupes are rich in inositol. Studies show that inositol is beneficial for improving egg development and egg quality!
4. Broccoli- Broccoli is a cruciferous veggie and is rich in vitamins and minerals such as folate, vitamin K and contains Sulforaphane (This increases our master antioxidant, Glutathione.) Glutathione protects eggs from oxidative stress and plays a big role in detoxification.
5. Eggs- Eggs are filled with an important nutrient, Choline. A whooping 90% of women do NOT get enough choline from their diet! Can you believe that? Choline, similar to folate, prevents neural tube defects and helps promote your baby's brain development.
6. Red Peppers- Red peppers are filled with Vitamin C antioxidants that help combat oxidative stress. It is helpful for women who struggle with ovulation issues or low progesterone. Vitamin C is also rich in CoQ10, another powerful antioxidant for fertility.
In case you want some guidance on how to incorporate these foods into an actual meal, here are 2 sample fertility boosting meal ideas :)
Breakfast: Eggs with a side of blackberries and cantaloupe
Lunch/Dinner: Wild salmon with sautéed broccoli and red pepper.
Talk soon! xoxo
Chaya Lezell RDN, CDN